The Lagnieu bridge is an old bridge, having a significant socio-economic criticality (16,000 vehicles/day) and limiting HGV tonnage to 40 tons.
It is an arch bridge of approximately 50m each in reinforced concrete supporting the RD 1075 and crossing the Rhône.
It was selected as part of the APPONTS project led by APAVE and winner of the Connected Bridge call for projects led by CEREMA.
The need is to know precisely the state of health of the structure and validate its tonnage capacity.

Permanent installation of 13 S-lynks sensors and two gateways
Carrying out recurring monitoring with weekly acquisition and intermediate on-demand measurements in the event of events.
Human, material and logistical resources:
2 people for 2 days
Inverted pod requirements for vertical installation of S-lynks nodes
road traffic alternated by the closure of 1 lane
Type of vibration load:
Ambient vibrations: under regular road traffic, wind and water.
The bridge response to excitation, resulting from the everyday ambient forces applied to it, is recorded at regular intervals in order to provide comprehensive monitoring of the entire structure using OMA (Operational Modal Analysis).
Measurements is wirelessly transmitted to a Sercel cloud database for advanced automatic OMA processing and make it accessible from any remote device for analysis.

S-lynks solution allows early detection of potential anomalies and enable bridge operators to better schedule maintenance and identify when remedial action may be required.
The bridges are under surveillance thanks to agents who carry out patrols and check very regularly.
Being able, to carry out this same surveillance, thanks to new innovative technologies, would allow us to save time, efficiency and budget.
"This is why making our assets available for research and innovation as part of the call for projects led by Cerema makes it possible to carry out a full-scale experiment”
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