Resources center
Proven operations services enabled by Sercel Concept’s cloud-based solutions.
Sercel’s QuietSeis® OBN node portfolio meets the needs of E&P companies and service providers who require efficient and environmentally...
The MESA Expert and NORSAR-3D Connector provides our clients with a unique, complementary, and seamless capability to validate coverage of survey designs through exclusive...
The Marlin SmartPort Automated Port Call (APC) manages the automatic creation of port calls for high-frequency visits and low-paperwork vessel types, for example, fishing boats, ferries, and...
Sercel has a long history in being at the forefront of developing new cutting-edge technology. Setting new standards for sensors is no exception.
Auto-Guidance is a solution optimizing the vibrator move-up time between two VPs.
Nomad is the Sercel range of seismic vibrators offering high quality signals together with a high level of reliability, productivity and safety.
Sercel’s vibrator electronics are regarded as the industry standard and boast the largest number of installations in the market.
Cette instruction décrit les exigences générales de Sercel s’appliquant à toute livraison et toute prestation de service sur tous les sites de Sercel en France...
This document is a description of Sercel general requirements for any delivery or service provided to any of the Sercel Divisions in France...
The General Terms and Conditions of Purchase set forth herein (the “Terms and Conditions”) shall govern any contractual relationship between SERCEL (“Buyer”) and its Vendors.
Les présentes Conditions Générales d'Achat (les « Conditions Générales ») ont pour objet de définir le cadre des relations contractuelles entre Sercel (l’« Acheteur ») et ses Fournisseurs.