Resources center

181 publications
  • Technical paper
Modern land recording systems : How do they weigh up? (EN)

As hydrocarbons are becoming more difficult to find and to produce, operators who utilize relevant advanced technology have a clear advantage...

  • Article
Operational Implementation of Full Azimuth, High Density land Acquisition (EN)

Using a square spread of dense receiver stations (25 m), a full azimuth dense 3D survey (730 km² full fold 225) was recorded in 2005-06... 

  • Technical paper
Land 3D: groups or single sensors? cables or radio? geophysical and operational considerations (EN)

Is the future of land acquisition systems in single sensors or groups? Cable, radio or no data telemetry (ie autonomous node) systems?...

  • Technical paper
Higher Trace Density Recording for Foothills 3D Surveys (EN)

This paper aims to analyze potential causes and suggest cost-effective strategies for boosting survey trace density in foothills areas...

  • Article
Solid streamer noise reduction principles (EN)

Today’s solid streamers are generally less sensitive to mechanical noise originating from sea swell effects...

  • Technical paper
Quality Control in Modern Recording Systems, Benefits Beyond Contract Compliance (EN)

Quality control (QC) has generally been considered by the seismic data acquisition industry to be a method to determine if the recording system is performing...

  • Article
Pushing towards the low frequencies (EN)

Everyone agrees that broadband seismic sources and receivers are essential for improved imaging and resolution...

  • Technical paper
Hydraulic fracture mapping intreated well (EN)

The fracture stimulation becoming of prime interest for waterflooding and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)...

  • Technical paper
Seismic Noise Without a Seismic Source (EN)

This paper relates two experiments conducted by CGG and SERCEL in order to better understand ambient noise...

  • Technical paper
Evaluation of digital accelerometer performance (EN)

3C Digital Sensor Units (DSU3) based on MEMS accelerometers were compared with conventional coiled phones during a 2D...

  • Technical paper
MEMS-based accelerometers : expectations and practical achievements

Denis Mougenot Anatoly Cherepovskiy and Liu JunJie trace the development of MEMS sensors in the last decade...

  • Technical paper
Land seismic: needs and answers (EN)

The geophysical industry has been struggling to achieve profitability for some time (IAGC, 2003)...